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Short Film (2021)

Production Company: AR Films
Director: Callum Mckay
Producer: Ranw Rashid

Amy McCallum 
Matthew Simpson
Eliot Cable

Blackmagic Ursa Mini Pro G2 // Zeiss Contax

Independent Short Film, An exhausted young woman, Adrienne, is fighting a losing battle against her Ex Soldier boyfriend's PTSD.

Ash worked as Director of Photography for my debut film, ‘Stand To’, and I could not have asked for a more professional, creative, patient and good humoured individual to help guide me through the shooting process.


With such a demanding schedule and very little time to spare, Ash went above and beyond to ensure we not only got the shots we needed to, but took the time to mentor junior members of the crew undergoing work experience.


Working long hours in stifling conditions, Ash was an example of professionalism and craft to the rest of the crew. I have no doubt the quality of the film is due in no small part to Ash and I hope it’s the first of many projects we work on together

Callum Mckay: Director: "Stand To"

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